Gabby and Rhett

Gabby and Rhett

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mimi's 2nd Kenya Mission Trip

Kenya Missions February 14-27, 2010

I have been very blessed to be able to go back to Kenya for the second time with Bayleaf Baptist Church. I am just an ordinary woman with no seminary training. What allows me to go and teach and evangelize is my tremendous love for the Lord. I have a very special place in my heart for the Kenyan people. They have the loving ability to make one feel very welcome (karibu) and have the warmest and most comforting smiles. They are so generous and welcome us into their homes and churches. They always offer us hospitality, even if taking the food from themselves.

This trip was set up for us to teach and evangelize. We are not there for medical missions or disaster relief. We may be giving pastors continuing education,evangelizing in the villages, conducting a Women's Conference or teaching an impromptu group of children. We also support orphanages and The Legacy School in Narok. Each trip itinerary varies with each team which travel in September and February.

The people have so many needs and so much to do daily. The first priority of the day is to find water. Even in Kisumu, which is on Lake Victoria, the people do not have water service in their homes Lake Victoria is the worlds second biggest freshwater lake in the world, yet they cannot easily transport this water to their homes or gardens. There is always health concerns which goes along with man and animals sharing the same water sources.

I have only been to two homes that have electricity and most homes are made with dung and mud mortar. Because of the way these homes are self-built, there is no way to keep them 100% free of predator threats at night. (ie snakes,scorpions,etc.) Also, these hand-made structures only last about 10 years.
Kenya experienced a terrible drought last year while we were there. The landscape was much greener everywhere we went this time after God has blessed them with sufficient rain. Many people lost livestock and everything they had. One Masaii lady told us that many men killed themselves because they were so despondent. It made their daily struggles unbearable. So sad.
God willing, I plan to go again in September. I will be in prayer over it. My family is so sweet about me going and they know I have a heart for these people!

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